We offer an online program and group coaching that can have you up and running with a safety system to engage frontline people and prevent injuries.
Let’s Implement Your Safety System for Work Tasks
Adding a Safety System to Your Strategy
Add capabilities instead of more rules
Preventing your next workplace injury is about engaging frontline people in their own safety.
Companies who engage their frontline people experience fewer injuries. ISO 45001 and ANSI Z10 give heavy weighting to this truth.
Add Capabilities to Engage People
A safety system is a capability frontline people can apply when facing risk during their work tasks.
Look at aviation, firefighting, and surgery where safety is on the line in real-time. Pilots, fire captains, and surgeons use safety systems to engage their frontline people to think about risk and take action during their work tasks.
They each rely on a safety system of processes to enhance human and organizational performance. The safety system is an asset that adds the capability to engage frontline people in their own safety.
SafeTask® System adds a capability to your safety strategy. It’s a proven safety system for work tasks.
Supervisors Are The Key to Engaging People
Companies with outstanding safety records hold supervisors accountable for engaging their people in safety. The safety manager role changes to a resource and mentor to supervisors for making this happen.
Safety managers can leverage the SafeTask® System to teach supervisors a safety system that they can use to engage frontline people in safety.
Learn a Safety System with Our Programs
SafeTask® System is a course and implementation instructions for supervisors, or anyone overseeing safety for frontline people.
We offer an online program, train-the-trainer program, and group coaching for safety managers and supervisors to learn and apply a safety system to work tasks.
Online Program
Learn and begin implementing a safety system in 90-days with the toolkit and training
SafeTask® System is a toolkit and training for safety managers and supervisors. You can access the toolkit and training with our online program. Here are the steps to access the online program.
1- Enroll
Schedule a Call with Bryan. He will explain the online program, success factors, your options, pricing, and the agreement.
Sorry, we do not submit proposals. We offer a course summary, online presentation, and Q&A sessions to provide proposal equivalent details.
Once you enroll, Bryan will conduct a safety system assessment with you, intake interviews with supervisors, and issue the logons to access the SafeTask® System via our learning management system (LMS).
2- Learn
The online program is designed for the supervisor to learn at his or her pace. It works best if the supervisor finishes the initial course within 90-days.
Here are the steps the supervisor follows:
- Logon and immerse in the SafeTask® System course modules.
- Watch or read the case studies.
- Follow the implementation calendar and action plans.
- Complete the implementation assignments on-time.
- Submit assignments to the safety manager for feedback.
- Attend the biweekly SafeTask® Clinics on Zoom.
- Oversee the safety system daily as frontline people perform work.
- Document progress in your SafeTask® Logbook.
- Complete your check-ins with Bryan for feedback.
The supervisor receives a 40-hour Certificate of Completion upon successfully implementing the SafeTask® System for three work tasks, conforming to ANSI Z490.
The supervisor is then ready for more advanced SafeTask® System training, such as Safety Observations, Weekly Safety Huddles, and Lockouts.
3- Implement
The goal during the initial implementation of the SafeTask® System is for the supervisor to focus on three tasks.
The supervisor can access biweekly SafeTask® Clinics with Bryan. These clinics are group coaching calls on Zoom. Supervisors receive microlessons, answers to questions, and guidance to move forward and overcome barriers, as well as progress check-ins.
Peer coaching is available to safety managers to master their role facilitating the SafeTask® System through supervisors.
Consulting Safety Managers Inc. provides workplace safety solutions to improve safety results. SafeTask® is a registered trademark of Consulting Safety Managers, Inc. All rights reserved.
© 2025. Consulting Safety Managers,Inc.