Safety Management System

A Safety Management System is a group of safety processes to support adequate Safety Margins. It reduces risk.

Benefits of Using a Safety Management System

An inverse relationship exists between safety and risk. Increase safety. Decrease risk.

A Safety Management System is a proven solution to increase safety intensity. A system applies repeatable processes to impact safety margins, which decreases the risk of accidents.

The main benefits of a Safety Management System are:

  • Processes make your safety margins adequate. People can learn, apply, repeat processes that achieve safety margins during their work.
  • Processes can make your safety margins more reliable. As people use processes and learn from experience, they become more consistent at achieving safety margins.
  • Processes also build resiliency. People learn how stop and think about safety margins and risk when operations become abnormal, allowing them to  contain causation before triggering an accident.

What the Data Shows

Our clients in the top quartile of safety results achieve Implementation Scorecards between 88% to 96%.

This result means they are adept at implementing safety processes to deliver safety margins. Strong safety margins decrease the risk of accidents, injuries, and other losses.

Develop a Process Framework

A mental model of the Safety Management System can help people implement safety. Displaying your system as a framework helps people visualize the safety processes they are using.

Our clients integrate safety into their businesses. They use  a common group of safety processes shown to achieve excellent safety results.

These safety processes are shared below. We’ve divided the safety processes into four sets based on their function.

Process Framework

Your Safety Management System should include four functional sets of processes

S1  OHS Policy

S2  OHS Plan

S3  OHS Accountability

S4  Proactive

S5  Learning

S6  Follow-Through

Implement in Stages

A big mistake we often see is trying to implement a Safety Management System all at once. A company develops a safety manual, distributes it, and expects instant implementation, like installing software.

Implementing safety is more effective in stages. You’ll be more successful this way.

Unique to what we do, we divide safety processes into implementation phases: Basic, Intermediate, Advanced.

You’ll learn how to:

  1. Implement the Basic level safety processes first.
  2. Layer in and gain experience with the Intermediate level safety processes.
  3. Add the Advanced level safety processes only once you master the Basic and Intermediate levels.

You’ll also receive guidance how to assign processes to the right owners, implement the processes in waves of three, and use 90-day action plans.

You’ll be surprised how well people can learn and apply safety processes by layering them in stages.


You can improve your safety results by impacting the inverse relationship between safety and risk. A Safety Management System expands your capabilities to achieve Safety Margins and reduce risk with proven processes.



When you engage with us, we can help you implement a full scale Safety Management System. Or, we can guide you to add or improve a few safety processes that can make your system more robust.

You can complete these objectives:

  1. Conduct an Assessment to identify strengths and gaps of your existing safety processes.
  2. Prepare a Safety Management Plan to guide your staff about improvement goals and hold them accountable.
  3. Learn how to implement and sustain a Safety Management System on your own.
  4. Develop documentation for each safety process.
  5. Launch each safety process and document training.
  6. Monitor your overall implementation with a scorecard.
  7. Conduct quarterly auditing to evaluate how well your safety processes are functioning.

Here are the service offerings you can access to implement a Safety Management System:

  • Visual Framework
  • Gap Assessment
  • Implementation Scorecard
  • Safety Management Plan
  • Written Practice for each Safety Process
  • Implementation Checklists
  • 90-Day Action Plans
  • Staff Training
  • Monthly Coaching Session
  • External Audit

We can design a custom service plan to support your objectives and improve your safety results.