Reliable solutions to implement safety

Over the last 20-years, we collect and study the data from our clients’ safety processes and systems.

The data provides insight about how to implement safety onto the frontline of your business.


How We Know What Works

We’ve learned solutions because we study our clients’ data and analyze the safety results.

We maintain a database of our clients’ safety processes and metrics. Over the last 20 years, we’ve amassed data from 600+ work sites.

We analyze the data to understand correlations among independent and dependent variables, or safety processes and results.

From this real world research, we’ve gained insights about how to successfully implement safety, which we share with our clients.

Our data shows you’ll need to three structural dimensions to improve your safety results:

  • a Safety Culture
  • a Safety Management System
  • a Safe System of Work

It’s achievable. We offer proven process frameworks, consulting, training, online courses, and resources to guide you through implementing safety towards better results.